Tuesday, May 1, 2012


But I definitely don't eat humans!

I REALLY wanted to post yesterday, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I literally was falling asleep on the drive home, and couldn't even open  up my eyes by the time I got into the house. Barely had my eyes open when I put on my jammies, popped my medicine and hit the pillow hard. 

It probably was the longest I've slept without interruptions in a long time. You know when you try to fall asleep and you just can't? Last night, I could literally feel myself falling asleep. I woke up once to go to the bathroom but that was it! Before I knew it, the alarm clock was going off and I shot straight up and hopped into the shower. Totally not normal for me, I am the snooze button queen. I used to date this guy that hated when I hit the snooze butoon. He didn't see the point in doing it. "If you keep hitting the snooze button, why don't you just set your alarm clock for later?" I could never date a man that didn't appreciate the power of the snooze. I mean, then why is there an option on ALL alarm clocks TO SNOOZE?! Ha ha, I know you all know have been there before right?!

Work snailed on by yesterday. We weren't exactly busy, but it was steady enough to keep my barely awake. BLAH! I'm not big on drinking coffee in the morning to keep me awake, but I definitely need more than my shower if this continues!

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