Monday, May 28, 2012

Confessions of a grown ass girl


Forgive me for not posting anything until now, I've been one busy chick! Thanks for reading by the way, to all my readers out there if you exist. Actually, I know you do! My hit meter has gotten to 2,000! Yippy skippy!

Recently, I've been faced with the ugly existence of drama. I despise drama. Correction: I don't like drama that effects me. There I said it! I find it extremely entertaining when other people tell me about their dramatic shinannigans. You KNOW you all do too! That's why crazies like TMZ exist. I have been bitching and preaching for months now about sacrifices in relationships. I'm pretty serious about it. 

Why should I have to sacrifice my comfort and feelings for the sake of making someone else feel good, safe, whatever?!

Easy answer. I DON'T. I can't help that I'm an easy going person that doesn't complain about going places, eating things or other silly crap. Even worse, I hate being in the middle of things. Honestly there is no point in a "friendship" when people get upset over small things. Granted fine, maybe it stems from somewhere else. I am willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, but not when you make an ass out of yourself. If you're willing to let silly drama get to you enough that you need to hold a petty grudge, obviously there wasn't much of a "friendship" there to begin with. You know those friends that you haven't seen in forever, but when you get together it feels like nothing has changed? Those are the ones that count. I don't get upset if someone can't do something with me, or I haven't seen people in a while. We all have lives, and sometimes yeah we put ourselves first! Just because someone gets upset about something, does not mean I have to feel responsible. 

I'm a grown ass girl. I don't need anyone to make me feel like a friendship is solid. I know in my own heart which ones are, and which ones aren't. Let's face it people, some friends you're just closer to. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't hate anyone, but I'm getting too damn old to be dealing with nonsense. Especially when you want to air your dirty laundry and put your shit out on front street. Makes me sad when things like this happen, even worse disappointed.

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