Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day!

Today is more than just the mark for the first week of summer, and BBQ season. It is an extremely important day to recognize and pay respect to all that have served. What a scary and incredibly brave thing to do. Serve a country, dedicating your life to keep it safe and protected. 

My grandpa and great uncle both served time. Grandpa and Uncle Jimmy used to tell me all kinds of stories. It wasn't until about five years ago, when I began to remember and realize how profound their lives were. Both served in WWII, spent time in Korea, Japan I think also. Grandpa was in the Navy. The one picture I will always treasure of him, is his Navy picture. It was just a head shot with him in his uniform, but it was super old. He was smiling in it, and was one of the most handsome men I've ever seen in my life. The picture has disappeared unfortunately. After him and grandma passed away the family "objects" have all seemed to run off to a new home. I have no clue who has them, but rest assure the Navy picture of him and another picture of the same time period are THE MOST WANTED BY EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY. 

Uncle Jimmy was hands down one of my favorite people in the whole world. Him and Aunt Edith moved in the house next door to us, and I loved going over to visit with them. He would pull out his old trunk and show us pictures of him during his time in the service. Aunt Edith saved all the newspaper clippings of him, and kept them in this big trunk. He was a POW in Germany, and was featured in many articles in this area. His legs gave him trouble a lot, and it all stemmed from his time facing the cold in Germany. I loved him a lot.

On a side note, I recently have had dreams of grandma and uncle Jimmy. Really strange ones. I'm always wondering if my grandpa will show up in one, and he hasn't yet. It's extremely painful to lose people that has such an effect on your life. If it wasn't for brave people like them, I would not exist. There are few good things that come out of war, but sometimes war makes lives better for people. Looking back and knowing what I know now, I can't have imagined what would have happened if my parents didn't make it out of Vietnam. It's scary.

I thank my lucky stars for the people that have served, and are currently active in the armed services. They ensure we have normalcy in our lives, and that we are protected. No matter your views on the government, these people are the ones that sacrifice the most. Their lives, their families, their comfort, security--all for the love of our country. 

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