Monday, May 14, 2012

It's gonna be a bumpy ride!

The past few days have been insane...

So I went to my appointment and was sad to find that I gained another pound back. That puts me up to a total of three pounds back. Talk about some serious frustration. Even though I do feel like I've been making progress, this upsets me like no tomorrow. I'm just going to have to work harder in the next week to get back down. I definitely know and have faith in myself that I ABSOLUTELY CAN! Just got to keep puttering along, and keep everything going day by day.

While I was in for my office visit, I chit chatted to Cody about some other things going on. I feel really comfortable talking to her about anything, she's really nice. I've been under a lot of stress lately and it has taken a toll on me completely. Things haven't gotten to me this bad for a while, and I'm looking for ways to deal with it better. Maybe she is right, I should take a spa day and treat myself or something? That always feels so weird to me. On top of it, I started getting back pain this week. 

It's super important to know how to maneuver your body, while working. Although I've been there for a while and know this, I think it's all the lifting and sliding and moving that's catching up with me. For someone my age this is kind of strange, with all things considered maybe not so strange? I AM DEATHLY AFRAID OF THE CHIROPRACTOR.  Has anyone ever gone before? What scares me the most is them working your neck. Like going into spasm after they adjust you OR JERKING YOU HEAD AWAY AS A REFLEX WHILE THEY'RE ADJUSTING YOU...and then of course having your skull pop off of your spine and roll away on the floor. YEAH, you all go ahead and laugh! It's probably worse for me, because I know there is always risk going to them. Some people swear by them, and some curse them. 

Maybe a massage will help me out, it would probably be good to just get my muscles worked on. Either way, if the pain doesn't stop I'll seriously consider going and getting cracked. Sometimes you just got to hold on for the ride...eek!

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