Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wee car ride!

Let's go!

I hung around Friday during the day, getting some things done around the house. Jax and I were both off of work, so luck for us we could relax. Nikki was able to get out work early, so we were super excited to hit the road!

Who needs a damn groundhog to tell when the weather is breaking? All I have to do is take a drive down the interstate and see the sea of giant orange cones in full bloom! Listen, I get it. I understand that the roads need work, but jeez! Honestly they pick the WORST time to do construction around here! While on our way, we missed the exit for the detour but whatever. The route it took us on, I have been on there before so it wasn't a big deal. We just took the scenic route! 

We ended up getting to Marissa's right around dinner time. Of course none of us ate before we left, so needless to say we were STARVING ready to eat our arms off. Marissa took us to this place called Billy Joe's Rib something or other, that was really cool. It was right off the Hudson River and super fun. I wish it had been warm, so we could have eaten outside! The wait was about 45 mins, and by then we worked up such appetites! Our eyes were WAY bigger than our stomachs and we were all hurting units by the end of the mean. I totally cheated this weekend, I must confess. HOWEVER, I did portion control! Marissa suggested this AWFUL sandwich, and by awful I mean like pure fat lol! It was grilled mac and cheese, in other words mac and cheese like in the middle of a grilled cheese. I wasn't sure how it was going to taste, it sounds gross but totally hit the spot. I got pulled pork on mine too. I only ate one half of it and picked at the other. I wasn't feeling too guilty about it, but it's not like I'll ever eat there anytime soon!

Grilled Mac and Cheese @ BJ's
We had planned on doing a fire that night, but we ended up totally slunking out and going to bed. An early day was ahead of us, and we all needed to get our beauty sleep for sure! 

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