Monday, April 14, 2014

A Quest for better protein bars!


Quite possibly the most raved about protein bar I've heard of lately. One of my girlfriends at work had gastric bypass a few years ago, and eats super healthy. She sticks to her regiment and diet very closely and one of the things she absolutely loves are Quest bars. They're supposedly one of the best protein bars you can get on the market.

Normally, the protein bars I'm used to getting have about 12-14g of protein in them, 4-6g of fiber and around 10g of sugar. I do have to admit and tell you all, that I've sort of stopped going to Tali. It's not that I don't like her, because I do. Cody my regular nurse no longer works there, and it's just not the same. I know the staples of the program, and I'd really like to try and do this on my own. It's an enormous expense, considering I have a shitty insurance program with a $500 deductible. Go figure healthcare workers get duped on their own damn insurance. Whatever. Moving on!

I went kind of nuts at GNC grabbing a variety of bars. They're expensive when you buy them by the box, so like any usual shopper do your research! I tried the cookie dough one today.

Verdict: not too bad. It's obvious that these are seriously packed with protein and are minimal on the sugar content. My only bitch about them, is that they're kind of salty. Weirdly enough! One of my friends told me broil them. Yes BROIL them, because they kind of turn into cookies. Strange. I finished the bar, and I think they're pretty okay. We'll see how the rest of them taste! 

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