Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Snowy mess

It finally happened...

Globs of HUGE snow started to fall down mid day, when it transformed from the copious amounts of rain that plagued this city. UGH. What a day. On my way to my appointment this morning, traffic was backed up on the freeway for two miles. Might not seem like a long way, but at 7am it is! I slowly creeped up to the scene and discovered a bumper randomly in the middle of the road, and an SUV against the guardrail. ONE car screwed it up for all of us. Aye yai yai. Being from the Northeast, I can confidently say that all the idiot drivers of America come out when it rains. Disagree? You think they come out in the snow? No, no. You were wrong. They definitely come out in the rain. 

Luckily I got to my appointment on time. It wasn't with Dr. Cusimano, just a nurse visit. I woke up this morning not feeling well at all. When I got to the office, she called me back and I was dizzy and felt like I had to vomit. NO, I AM NOT PREGNANT. I really hate when everyone asks you that when they find out you have a urge to vomit---no matter what time of day it is. Have you ever taken vitamins on an empty stomach? I had that feeling...but I had not taken my vitamins yet at the time. A lovely bug has been going around apparently. I'm pretty sure I didn't get it, or I would have been sick the entire day at work. Alas, I went in early, ate my breakfast and then threw up before my shift. I felt fine the rest of the day, so I'm not sure what that whole fiasco was about. 

I apparently was too confident about my 2lbs. I didn't lose anything, nor gain. Stand still for this week. It's good considering my monthly friend came along to pay me a visit this morning. Anyway, needless to say I'm glad I didn't gain. 

When the rain eventually turned into huge blobs of snowy white crap, I was less than thrilled. We've made out like bandits this winter so far, but we all are guessing it's going to be harsh this year. Our area has been devastated with a massive flood that hit not too long ago. People are still without homes, any sort of normalcy in their lives, and not many places or options to turn to for help. Most all big organizations around our area pitch in best they can, but I can't help but feel terrible for those out there that were struck by the flood. So sad. Now that I've said that,  I feel really guilty about my snow brush story. I went out to my snow covered car to leave work, went through my ENTIRE car to discover my snow brush vanished. It probably was so scared from the beating it took last year, it ran off with those lonely socks you see randomly on the side of the road. Wherever you are old blue brush, I hope you get to rest your bristles. In mid sweep (I had to use my sleeve of my jacket to wipe off the snow on my car) I took this opportunity to go to one of my favorite places in all the guessed it--TARGET! I got a giant red snow brush that can reach out and sweep my entire windshield! I actually made it out of that place under $100! Picked up a copy of The Help and Friends with Benefits, both which are great movies. I did LOVE the book The Help much more than the movie, but the movie was still good.

And so my friends, that's my entry for today. I'm now off to the land of detergent and scrubs!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, feel better, Thao bear! I've been feeling nauseated all week and I think it's acid reflux, so maybe try some antacids and see if they help you? Sorry your snow brush ran away. I'm hoping I won't need mine for a while, but I'm putting together an emergency kit for my poor old car - don't wanna have it break down on the side of a snowy highway and I'm trapped there w/o shovel or flashlight or all that good stuff!
