Friday, December 30, 2011

Self mutilation

Aye yai yai

Lately a few friends of mine have been struggling with some really complicated relationships. To the point where I believe they are almost punishing themselves, for god only know what reason. We've all been caught in that tug of war, you know between your heart and your head. You know something may not be the best for you, and yet you can't help but going back.

Why? Why is it always such a struggle? Why can't we simply just have the ability to make the right decision in the first place? Because, life isn't that easy. It hates you and wants to make you crazy lol. I just wish that circumstances were just more cut and dry. It's like dating someone only to find out that you don't like them. That they were in disguise the entire time before they roped you in. What a waste of time. This is why I despise dating. How annoying.

If it were all that easy. To truly be able to weed out the weeds. Sometimes in life, you have to go through things to teach you lessons. Reason or season. Plain and simple. When do you decipher whether or not being in a situation is good or bad for you? 

When the BAD weighs out the GOOD.

Don't keep yourself in a rotten situation, for the simple fact that it's easy, or because of the love you have for that other person. If you truly loved them, you need to let them go because enabling someone in a completely destructive situation is only making it worse. 

Airline safety. 

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