Tuesday, December 6, 2011



For some odd reason, my abdomen has been screaming, seriously. The past few days have been really bizarre. I'm beginning to tell the difference between actually being hungry, and thinking I'm hungry. I haven't been particularly hungry at all, so why do my intestines insist on making such a fuss? 

I went to get more blood work today. Getting blood drawn doesn't really bother me, but I feel like I'm being DRAINED too often lol. After checking into registration, I walked over to the lab and took a seat. One of the girls in the back of the lab was commenting about how tired she was, and how her eyes hurt. I slowly looked up and around at everyone else in the room, and no one seemed to notice or care. Maybe it's because they botched up my arm that time, but I definitely did not want someone with TIRED HURTING EYES to stab my arm. Luckily, I got the wide awake and attentive girl. She got me in one stick!

So I'm sitting there at the little chair with my arm propped up, when my grumbling stomach starts talking. It was so loud and noticeable, the lab girl gave me a coupon for the cafeteria when I left. WTF lol. I did have fasting blood work, but I promise you I'm not dying of hunger! Speaking of coupons, I think it's hilarious when patients actually REQUEST to have one. For most CT Scans with IV contrast, we require our patients to fast. Since when does ANY place facilitate patients with meals for showing up and getting their test done?! These people ARE NOT CHILDREN, I refuse to REWARD grown ass people for coming in and getting a test done.  If you give a mouse a cookie I guess...

Tomorrow I'm in for another appointment. I'm pretty sure and confident that I at least lost 2lbs. We'll have to wait and see though. I'll ask Dr. Cusimano about my abdomen and hope there's a reason. I don't feel sick, my stomach doesn't hurt, I'm not hungry and I don't need to go to the bathroom. Weird. One thing is for sure, you can bet your ass I won't be asking for a coupon at my appointment tomorrow!

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