Sunday, December 4, 2011

Every bit counts!

Boy, I need to keep up with my posts!

I forgot to post my entry yesterday, so I'm just going to combine it with this one. Life does get in the way, but if you intend to do something---you should follow through! Rhonda and I were chatting away on the phone today, and she mentioned I forgot to post what I had lost this week. I didn't disregard putting it in my entry because I was ashamed, per say...I  just didn't think that one measly pound was worth writing about.

In all actuality it does! She pointed out that even if I lost one pound a week for the next year, that's 52lbs total. When she put it in terms of that, I saw the light! I worked really hard not to gain any weight during Thanksgiving...and I didn't! Most people on average gain about what? At least 2-3lbs from that day alone. Between all the food, drinking, sleeping and then eating all over  again it adds up. I'm hoping to have lost more weight this week, and keep on keepin' on!

There have been so many benefits around the area lately. A few months ago, our area was devastated by a flood that was worse than the one in 2006. It wiped out several homes and left businesses in the area even more so devastated. I'm really proud of our community. Donating and helping complete strangers off the street. That's why it's so important to give back...because you never know when you may need the help of others. I'm all about paying it forward. It's a great thing to be able to help out people who genuinely need it. Toys for tots has their annual benefits each December. I didn't dare venture out to those functions tonight, too busy and I just don't feel well enough to go--but you can count on me to donate!

So it's this concept of every bit counts, that I really should be applying to myself. Maybe it's just getting used to the concept that I am matter how small or minuscule it may feel at the time. Every bit of weight I drop off, definitely counts. It all counts in the bigger scheme of things! I'm going to go on Amazon to find some sugar free syrup I can mix with my shakes. I can get a hold of "staple" sugar free syrup flavors, but someone at the office told me about Marshmallow syrup. Holy mother of goodness that sounds fab!

Anything that is positive adds up to one big smiley face.
Another lesson I'm taking on the road with me! :)

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