Friday, December 16, 2011


Techilicious, they all make me go loco!

I NABBED IT! First one in my local Verizon store to get my paws on a Galaxy Nexus! Ohhh the satisfaction! I can't even tell you all how bad I needed a new phone! I am a huge fan of Android and Google. It all makes my life so much easier! Not knocking or talking down to Apple users (unlike LOTS of techies out there), but I really think that everyone should get a phone that works for them--whatever preference that may be!

It feels good to lose 10lbs, and to gain a super gadget!

I'm all about positive reinforcement. Not that we don't all deserve things sometime, but it feels so rewarding and so much better when you work to earn it. I've always considered myself an extremely hard worker. If I ever wanted anything, I would find out how to get it and then work my butt off until I did! Losing 10lbs is AMAZINGLY HARD WORK, but baby it was worth it! 

I'm even more excited in picking out something else for my next reward! I'm thinking by 20lbs, I should reward myself and go on a  super fun vacation. I don't really need to lose another 10lbs to do that, but I'll definitely go all out just because it will be an entirely different experience. 20lbs lighter, and ready and able to have so much more fun on trips---it's hard to believe more fun is possible!

This week has been incredibly amazing and rewarding. My best friend Marissa is heading home from Italy tomorrow, FINALLY! I can't wait to see her, and hear all of her crazy and amazing stories. I'd like to go on a European tour vacation, once my health is at it's peak. I'd like to venture out, go hiking, site seeing and knock some countries off my bucket lists. Rhonda is also making her way home soon, and I'm super excited about that! Rhonda has been on her own journey, I'm glad to have a friend that knows and truly understands what I'm going through. Over all, this week has been one of the best! Lost 10lbs, got a new phone, and all my favorite people are coming home to share the holidays!

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