Friday, December 30, 2011

Montazuma's revenge...

For all of you who aren't comfortable with reading about SHIT talk, stay away from this post!

I was talking the other day with Marissa about eating really bad food and how it affects your body. After you've started eating healthy, the minute you eat something horrible for you--you get sick. You know the stuck in the bathroom kind of sick. I've been steadily losing weight, and the times that I've cheated I've paid dearly for it.

Same thing with vegetarians. I've heard that when people go veggie and transition back to meat, they also get really sick. There's different bacteria in your system that break down different things, so of course when your body gets used to eating a certain type of food--it's only natural that it's a shock to your system.

This can be a pain, but it actually benefits you in the long run. Marissa had her gallbladder taken out a few months ago. She's starting to get the after shock effects of eating greasy food and stuff. It's the same thing that happens to me too! It's literally beating you into submission not to go to junk food hell! I've heard the same things about gastric bypass patients who try to cheat. Most of them get violently sick, thus making them to steer clear of those foods. I guess that's one way of your body assuring you to stay healthy.

I feel like the meds I've been taking have also helped me. I'm not feeling icky anymore and I think my body has adjusted well to it. The only way to tell really, is to get another set of labs drawn. I'm excited that people are beginning to notice my weight loss. It probably won't really show until I hit like 20lbs, but I'm definitely on my way to a healthy new year!

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