Happy effin' LEAP DAY everyone!
Aviva for weigh in today! I wasn't really sure how much I had lost. My scales are on the fritz again, so it's been hard to estimate. It was a sleety slushy mess this morning as I headed out the door. Totally forgot my beanie, but that's okay my hair dries quick. I rolled up in the office and did my usual thing. Checked in and sat down in the waiting area. Aviva is a really beautiful office. Dr. Cusimano picked out all the decorations and interior set up for it, and it really feels comfortable. She has a bit of a Home Goods obsession, so that's where she gets all of her furnishings and such. There was a gentleman sitting across from me, and I noticed his binder. We all have binders we bring to every appointment. It logs our weights, blood pressure, lab work etc. He struck up a conversation with me about the program. I'm super happy that more people are discovering her office, and making the effort to take care of their health!
Ruth was back in the office today, and as much as I hate to say it--I was REALLY hoping she wouldn't call me back to the exam room. Last time she took me, I was there for like two hours. Luckily Ciarra popped her head around the corner and took me! I hopped on, wondering how I did and bam! I melted away another two pounds! I was SO excited! When we got back into the room, she asked me why I thought I gained. Mostly because it's that lovely time of the month, and I was feeling like a beluga whale! I am officially back down into the 80's, 188 to be exact! YAY! Two more pounds until I hit my first 20lb mark! I couldn't be MORE EXCITED! Don't forget, I still have my goal of another 20lbs to lose by May 7th.
I'm super confident that I can lose probably another two to three pounds during this week. It's such a great feeling! For me, it's a little OCD. Once I get out of one range, I promise myself to not see it again on the scale. The lower my numbers get, the further away I am to relapse. For the first time, I myself, noticed my face is thinning out! Everyone kept telling me that, but when you see yourself everyday...you just don't notice! It's really strange to see you melting away in front of your mirror. Super rewarding. Leaves me with that extra umph to know, I can do anything I put my mind to!
Another stroke of great news, Hanny sent me the link to her new blog she's writing! This is one girl, that loves to eat! Han is very small and healthy, she's not overweight by any means...for this I am insanely jealous! She's been living in LA with her fiance Jason for about a year, and those two are always on an adventure! She did mention how her blog was the complete polar opposite of mine, but I don't mind at all!
Blogging is all about writing what you know. Rhonda inspired me to begin to blog about my weight loss journey, and now I've inspired Han to write an adventure of her own! Not only did I want to keep myself in check, but I was tired of scouring the web for information on VHP (very high protein) shakes, success rates with these programs, tastes, costs, even find another patient of Dr. Cusimano's with a REAL story. So I decided to write my own. So people would know that I keeps it real! Jules also has a blog, that is completely wonderful. She's been blogging and actively writing for years now, and I can't help but keep checking back for her posts. I don't get to see Jules as often as I like, but I feel like I'm so much closer to her through her blog. It's been a really great experience blogging on here.
Like Maggie Mayhem said in Whip it:
"Throw on your own skates, and be your own hero."
Be your own kind of bad ass, and make sure that the life you were given was worth it! Sharing what makes your world go round, your passion, your favorite things is awesome. The great thing about blogging, is that you have a record essentially of your days and life. And it's totally not like fb timeline lol. I share things with the world on here, that I don't normally spit out. Like how much I weigh for example. I gots to keep it real somewhere right!? I tip my hat to any blogger, hell any author for that matter that is brave enough to bare a little soul for the world to know.
If you guys have a bit of time, check out these blogs from my girls!