Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pill popper

Aviva today!

I headed into my appointment this morning, thinking nothing was out of the ordinary. I've come to the conclusion that Jen my LPN had left, although I haven't had a chance to ask anyone where she's been. Ciarra has been taking over my case, and although I do like her---I really liked Jen. I hopped on the scale, and was happy to see that I lost my weight I gained back. A wee bit sad I didn't lose an extra pound more, but I'll take it! I'm back down to 191 again. Obviously that's not a number I want to see, but it's better than 200 baby! It's been helping a lot when people tell me I look like I'm smaller. I consider myself one of the lucky few that has a proportional body. The weight seems to be gradually going down everywhere and not just in one spot. For this, I am super thankful!

It took about 45mins for anyone to come in the exam room. I could hear the lady in the next room getting her botox injections...lmfao. She wasn't yelping or anything, just talking super loud about how she wanted her face to look and stuff. Botox scares the shit out of me! When I got to the office today, I noticed someone new. She wasn't dressed like a nurse or anything, she looked like a doctor. Ruth is a fourth year resident, who is shadowing Dr. Cusimano. She's really nice and everything but JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH she's like overly thorough. Residents are a little over zealous in how well they assess you medically at clinics I've notice. Total opposite when they're in the hospital lol. Anyway she was going over about everything under the sun and poking and prodding at me. She left the room to get something and I quick looked at my phone! WAS SOOOOO GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK! I called and told them I was stuck at the doctors and I didn't think I'd be more than 10mins late. UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR.

In the whole total, I spent TWO HOURS there. Are you effing kidding me?! Dr. Cusimano came in and reviewed all of my lab work. I'm going to start getting my blood draws in office because of my bad luck. I have three large hematomas on my arm and they hurt like a mofo. My urinalysis came back with mico amounts of blood in it and leukocytes. You guessed it, UTI. UGH. The good news is, my cholesterol results are super! The Tricor has been helping a lot! On the other hand, my triglycerides are still high. They did drop by 75 points, but not as well as they should have. Dr. C. thinks that it's genetic, which I'm not arguing. I have two people in my family that have diabetes, thus contributing to my sensitivity to sugars. She gave me a prescription to help me with it. I can't remember what it's called, the scrips are sitting in my car.

I'm starting to feel like an old person popping cocktails of pills. I'm going to have to pop six different medications daily! YIKES! The drug that I'm supposed to take in addition to Metformin, I take at night. Apparently it causes hot flashes. GREAT. I have no idea what hot flashes are like, but I'm about to get a taste of menopause. Tomorrow I'm headed over to the pharmacy before work to get these filled. The meds on top of all the vitamins I take, are definitely going to be an adjustment. She did also mention my protein levels (can't exactly remember what she said) were elevated. I'm going to the office next week to get labs drawn, this time non fasting. Fasting blood work can sometimes throw other levels off apparently. I hope Cody doesn't stab me like everyone else does. I'd really hate to hulk out on someone that's so nice to me! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the loss!! Celebrate it! And it's funny you're writing about seriously thinking I need wrinkle assistance!! My face is "deflating" daily! Love you!!
