Friday, February 10, 2012

Two steps back

Not all weigh ins can be a fairy tale!

So, as you all know I had a major loss last weigh in. A whopping six pounds! Well this time when I got on the scale, I took some steps back...four steps to be exact. GRRRR. It's not the end of the world, I could have put it ALL back on, but I'm glad I didn't.

It is unbelievably difficult to be at the age of 25 and try to lose all this weight. Yes, losing weight at any age is difficult--but I feel like in your mid adulthood especially. There are so many temptations every day to face. Every day, who am I kidding?! It's the weekends that put me in the shitter entirely!

I've come to the conclusion, that yes it is totally my drinking that packs back on the weight. It's a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad habit! I go out to meet up with my friends, and it's not really their fault it's entirely mine. It's my choice to go out and meet up with them, and it's totally my choice to buy beers and drinks. After a few drinks get in me, then I start to get hungry through the night which leads me right to junk food hell! Yes, hello! My name is Thao Templeton. You know Templeton? The rat that eats carnival garbage from "Charlotte's Web"? YEAH. I TURN INTO THAT RAT. 

I'd like to say that I'm confident in losing the weight I put back on, but I don't want to jinx myself! All I know, is that I'm going to have to hustle and work my tush off!

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