Tuesday, February 7, 2012


There's always time for fun!

I got feeling pretty great about things on Sunday and decided to go to Erik's after all. I'm so glad that I did, because I got to see Thing 1 and Thing 2 and all my other friends. We all had a really great time and plus the Giants won! My dad is a big NYG fan, so of course what kind of kid would I be, if I didn't root for my dad's team! I started actually paying attention to football and discovered it's actually entertaining! So now that I know what's going on, it's fun for me!

I didn't really plan on staying out as late as I did, but when you're having fun you all know how that goes. I WAS A BIG FAT CHEATER. YES THAT'S RIGHT, I AM THAO THE PUMPKIN EATER. Super Bowl food is NEVER really healthy, unless you make a SERIOUS point to only have around healthy food. Since everyone else isn't on a diet, it was like walking straight into junk food hell. So like any other normal person, I grazed. I ate like four carrot sticks, celery, pineapple and cantaloupe at first...and then I tried some turkey chili (Kelly's amazing turkey chili that is!) had a quarter of a sandwich, pretzels and chips. I felt like a big old fatty fat person after. Food regrets. UGH.

TRUST ME. I PAID FOR IT THE NEXT DAY. So a while back I had discussed about cheating and how it's effects are. As you can guess, I was doubled over in pain and running to the bathroom most of the day. It was awful. Enough for me to steer clear of bad food for a while. Ugh. Makes my stomach grumble just thinking about it. That being said, I weighed myself and I'm pretty sure I gained at least 4lbs back. Up and down, up and down. That was really the only day I cheated, so I'm not sure why. Could be because I have my cycle, but I'm not so sold on that weight gain theory. It's pretty obvious to me that I am a SUPER DUPER SHMOOPER.

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