Friday, February 10, 2012



I've spent the last two days off in significant abdominal pain. It's not bad enough for me to go to the walk in or ER, but if it doesn't stop I might have to. I've thought for some time now that I have gastritis. An inflammatory disease where the lining of your stomach is irritated and painful. The left upper portion of my abdomen usually hurts, but lately it's been the lower portion of my abdomen. Hurts amazing bad. It's like a sharp radiating pain stemming from the umbilical area down into the pelvic region. Ouchies ouches ouchies!

I'm not vomiting or anything, just having pain. I thought maybe I just needed to go to the bathroom, but that doesn't seem to alleviate anything. Just wish it would go away. Hoping that by the end of the night I'll feel more like myself and in better shape...

I really hate it when I'm sick on my week off. It's ridiculous. It's almost like my body waits until it knows I'm off, and then decides that it should just fall apart. It's such a pain in the ass. Speaking of which, it really irritates me when people call in "sick". Seriously...I mean okay everyone is entitles to sick days, why else would they give them to us? I'm just the type of person that "mans" up no matter what and drags my ass to work.

When I was in grade school, I didn't miss a single day. My mom cracked the whip on us kids, and sent us to school anyway. Lucky for her, my sister and I didn't get the chicken pox when school was in session---see! Right there, prime example of my body waiting for me to get off and then decides to go to shit! I received a reward on my last day of high school for perfect attendance from kindergarten to my senior year of high school. I didn't actually receive it per say, because I totally skipped my last day of school! BAHHH HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Any way, my point is---if you're really and truly sick fine then stay home. But if you just have a cough, headache or what big whoop need to take a shit, grow a pair and stay at work! Nothing drives me crazier than people taking advantage of the situation. 

I've worked at the company for five years, and I have yet to call in sick. I've only been late once and that was due to snow. It amazes me the amount of people that call in for bullshit reasons all the time. What angers me even more, is when they do it and it affects MY SCHEDULE. Meaning having to stay late or hustle even harder than I already do! Okay, wow well I'm gonna get off my soap box now because I can feel my blood pressure go up!

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