Sunday, March 11, 2012

No Title

Idk now to title this entry. I'm all over the place!

My Sundays are usually lazy, and I like to spend time with family. Switching the clocks ahead did trip me up a bit. These past few days I've been staying up until about 5am every night! Craziness. I feel like Tyler Durden! I appreciate it getting light out faster, but it'll take everyone a bit of adjusting.

It was so nice out today, no joke! This time of the year, our area has been known to have spontaneous snow storms! We've been super fortunate to have a mild winter, maybe the Gods are giving us a break finally! Our area is still recovering from the flooding in September. Speaking of which, I was reading The Huffington Post just now about Japan. I wonder if people realize it's taken Japan only ONE YEAR to make giant strides in recovery, and New Orleans SIX years late is still struggling. WHAT THE HELL AMERICA?! PULL IT TOGETHER. I love our country, I do. I think that everyone should actually venture their asses out there and explore our home land, before they go off and explore different ones. Lucky for me, I've had adventure in my blood since I was a young child and have seen all the states but Alaska. There is NO REASON why there should be starving people in America. Feeding America is a pretty well known charity, that literally feeds America. I'm a huge fan of Top Chef and they raise all sorts of money for this worthy cause. But, I just can't wrap my head around it. I'm not naive to the facts. I know there are starving people all over the world, but fuck America---are you serious?! Our country IS ONE OF THE LEADING SOCIETIES IN OBESITY! So how the fuck do explain WHY there are people that ARE WITHOUT FOOD!? Disgusting.

I'm getting off my soapbox now. Anyway, I went for a run today outside because it was super nice. You have to enjoy everyday that you're able to! Why stay inside when the sun is shining and it's fabulous?! Because you're stupid, that's why! HA! Just kidding...sort of. I had plans with Poppy today. He's my ex's grandfather, and yes we are still close. To be frank, I don't care what anyone thinks about me being close with his family. We build relationships with PEOPLE, who cares how you met them. Every so often, he e-mails me wanting to visit and I enjoy our visits. Poppy is one of the smartest men I know, and we have great conversation. We had dinner with the family, and went to the movies after. He's a big fan of silent films, which he has passed onto Kara. Ive been dying to see The Artist, and it happened to just come to our area.

I LOVED IT. I watched silent films as a kid, and just had a real fascination with them. It is truly an art to be able to convey such emotion with no words. I wasn't sure if I would like it, but after watching The Oscars---now I HAD TO! We had a great time! Kara and I fell in love with the movie, Poppy thought it was okay but still a decent flick. I highly recommend it to anyone who is a movie lover. 

I had half of a stuffed pepper for dinner with salad. It reminded me so much of my Grandpa...even makes me emotional. Grandpa used to make stuffed peppers, I was never a big fan but I ate one today for him. I love the smell of them cooking, but I really like green peppers raw. Anyway, I was already feeling emotional before we left for the movies--so I'm glad there were a lot of laughs during it. It was truly a moving piece. I felt everything those actors were portraying and i loved every minute of it. For anyone else interested in seeing something similar, you need to see Hugo. It's fantastic!

Anyway, that's all for now! As far as my weight goes, I'm hoping to lose at least five to six pounds by next appointment. Keep in mind, I wasn't able to get an appointment this week--so I technically have about nine more days to do it!


  1. I am so glad you finally got to see "The Artist". I LOVED it!! Sending you hugs--and I'm coming your way at the end of the month! xox

  2. YAY! I'm off the 22-27, and as always off after 9pm! Can't wait to see you!!!
