in 3...2...1...
I've been saying this for freaking weeks now. It seems like all my friends and I are going through the same thing. It's been a super high stress time right now, where we all are going through meltdowns and freaking out. I thought maybe at first it was hormones, then I blamed it on global warming and now I'm blaming the planets.
Astrology is super hard to figure out. It takes literally years to master, and even then things are ever changing. I read somewhere online that we are in Mercury return. Meaning that where Mercury lies, has a shifting effect on the Earth's and Moon's balance with each other. Makes sense. You've all read on here several times before about the full moon theory I have. If you don't believe that the full moon effects people, go out and ask local hospital workers or law enforcement. It's not a freaking myth, this shit is FOR REAL! Anyway, it does make me feel better that we're not alone.
To each one of us, our crisis might seem minuscule to each other; however in reality it's our whole life at the moment. This week especially has been so hard on me. I've had to go through so much meaningless bullshit at work and it has started to effect my home life. Whoever said they don't take work stuff to full of shit. You should totally not believe them, because I sure as hell don't! It's been mentally breaking me down, something that I cannot afford to do. I've also been dealing with a lot of personal anguish. I don't care to talk about this on here, because it is incredibly painful. To tell you the truth, I really don't want to talk about it at all.
We all go through things that shake us. Sometimes we can contain our emotions, but they're so unpredictable. There's nothing wrong with crying. It hits you sometimes out of nowhere, but you'll feel so much better once you do. In a way, tears are really therapeutic. Think of it as your body's way of clearing out some toxins. I cry out of nowhere sometimes, and I cry for extended amounts of time off and on too. Someone once told me that all we can control, is the way we react to situations. Although there is some truth behind it, but I still think our emotions are unpredictable. Our parents don't choose our personalities, we develop them. Despite what anyone thinks, we need to all take ownership of them. Whether in good situations or bad ones.
Don't ever let someone make you feel, like something you are not. Be strong. Know that you are who you are, and it doesn't make you any less of a person. I've always said that whatever anyone thinks about me, is none of my business. And you know what? I mean it. Seriously. I don't give a rats ass about anyone's opinion of me. Find strength in having faith in yourself. I refuse to let anyone beat me down into submission. I won't let anyone make me feel--like I'm less of a person than anyone else. In other words, I'm not obligated to tolerate anyone else's personality or behavior. Because if others don't feel obligated to respect me, why should I be forced to return the favor. Now you all know, what my struggles been at work. Ridiculous.
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