Tuesday, March 13, 2012

High strung

Mentally preparing myself.

Today, was not a good day. I went to the gym earlier today, got in the shower and hopped in the car. Took a drive out and ended up spending some time outside. Some days you just need to be alone with your thoughts I guess. 

I went hiking up to this place we call the eagle's nest. It's along side the railroad tracks, up the side of a hill. Super peaceful out there and there's something really calming about it. I've been under the gun and I'm feeling an incredible amount of pressure. It's all work related. I'm not going to get into great detail on here, but let's just say I need to mentally prepare myself for the upcoming weeks.

Changes are inevitable, in every shape and form. I just wish that these changes would hurry the hell up and get here, so all of us could relax a little bit.This whole job, has been a serious eye opener to me. I've worked A LOT of jobs for someone my age, and I've never been presented with the challenges I've had at this one. Politics in the work place, is something that will ALWAYS exist, no getting rid of it. I'm just hoping that whatever the next few weeks has in store for me, it won't rock my world too hard so I spin off my axis and lose it all together. I need to stay focused, on everything right now that matters. Meaning dealing with things at work, and getting around them effectively--and staying track on my weight. My weight and my health, are something that I can physically control. Other elements in my life, well they just are unpredictable. No worries, it's not like I'm losing my job or anything (knock on wood) there are just a laundry list of things I have to effectively deal around is all. 

Nikki called me tonight and told me that I'd be so proud of her, which I am! She's decided to join Weight Watchers again, and has scheduled her weigh in days pretty much around mine. It'll definitely be easier for us together socially, now that we have each other to lean on. Weight Watchers didn't really work for me, I don't do well counting and measuring out crap probably because I'm lazy lol. With Aviva, everything is already measured and all you have to do is mix it or eat it. No big deal. Nikki did WW on her own, and lost like 20lbs--so obviously do what works for you! Anyway, I feel a little better knowing I won't be the only party pooper lol. 

I weighed myself today, and it looks like I've lost almost two pounds. No weigh in this week, I couldn't get an appointment. Need to lose another four pounds by next week and I can totally do it. The work stress, will probably help me shed it off--no lie. When I'm super stressed I either gain or lose. A few months ago, I lost six pounds alone from it. Not the healthiest way to lose, but I haven't gained it back so I'm fine with it. I wouldn't really say, I'm harping on work and going out and having fun will be good for me. It's a band aid that I don't want to put on. Thinking there's an easy fix, and not being smart about things never ends well for me.

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