just don't know which one!
I've been a big fat cheater. I haven't been sticking to my regiment very well at all. This week I have my appointment with Dr. Cusimano and I need to get labs redrawn to see if the Tricor is working or not. Do you know how ridiculous taking my vitamins every day is?! I take like a container full in the morning with the rest of my pills. I have become a pill popper. It's disgusting lol.
For some lazy ass reason, I haven't been taking my vitamins like I should. I left my container at work in my locker, so apparently in my mind it constituted me not to have to take them at all on my week off! I REALLY need to get on this, because it'll throw off the rest of my lab work. It just still kind of worries me about it. B12 turns your urine neon yellow, but it also makes me just think I'm peeing excess vitamins out. Which is probably true to some extent. I feel better after I get my shots at the office, and that way I'm ensured to have vitamins in my system.
I'm hoping to have lost the weight I put back on. My running total of weight gain has been four pounds. Hoping to have lost at least two of them if not more by Wednesday. I have an early morning appointment before work, so that's cool I guess. It'll set the bar if I'm having a good day or not. These weekly meetings are definitely keeping me in check. I can see why her patients need to come back on such a regular basis. There's too much temptation to deviate from the program if you don't go on a weekly basis. I haven't seen Jen at the office in a while, and I'm hoping that she didn't leave. I really liked her as one of my nurses, and I haven't made up my mind about the new one. I like that Cody and Jen both are young women around the same age as me. They both have been on the program and can directly relate to things. I can appreciate and trust people more if they've been through similar things I have, I mean isn't that how everyone is?
So my health insurance has this stupid wellness program incentive. In order to get a smaller premium on our insurance, it requires us to take part in this thing. It is a total joke. I went along with it just because what did I have to lose?! It's about $15 less a month for insurance and as long as you're in good health, you don't need a health coach. My old health coach Mary was awesome. She was young in age and we talked about a lot of things. How to cope with stress and weight loss and other stuff. Basically in order to take part in the wellness program you need to have biometric testing done. This included getting labs drawn and evaluated, weight, height and BMI measurements and other stupid tests. It puts you graphed out on a scale, and if you fall into the "unhealthy" range you're pretty much fucked. After they have determined you in need of life style coaching, you are paired up with a coach who calls you EVERY WEEK and talks to you about lame ass shit. The whole thing is such a farse. Like seriously? I could lie through my teeth to these people about what I'm doing and I'm following all of these stupid modules they give you. YEAH modules, meaning you have to do homework for this crap. What doesn't make any sense to me at all is, once you're on this thing they don't require you to have any additional tests done to see if you're improving...
This is what kills me. Blue Cross Blue Shield gives you a sign on for this wellness program. So you go through and after you do all this crap with your doctor, you have to do a survey online. It asks you questions about how many times you exercise, how many times you eat out, your stress level and if you've had any deaths in the past year and how many. Apparently it scaled me as "SUICIDAL" because I had more than two deaths of people I knew in a year's span. HOW THE HELL DOES THAT MAKE ME SUICIDAL?! It said I was at risk for falling into a great depression and not being able to come out of it, risk of being an alcoholic, drug addict, I was at risk for a whole bunch of other crap too but that suicidal one topped the cake! I mean what! Maybe I just know a lot of old people who die, or other people that have had recent tragedies in their lives! Talk about judging.
I'm probably going to fall into the category of health risk and they'll assign me a coach again. I'm going to try and get out of it, because the help I'm getting at Dr. Cusimano's is more than I'll ever get from that ridiculous wellness program. We'll see how things pan out. After getting my lab work and stuff done this week, I'll have to find out when she's going to draw again. If it's before March, then I'll just wait to use those labs. Maybe they can save me from needed to participate in this crap. Speaking of health insurance shit, I work in healthcare and I always wonder WHY my insurance is so shitty. My dad works in a factory and gets better benefits than I do! Whatever, it's all about money money money in healthcare. They can't get money out of the government from Medicaid patients, so they have to find other ways to milk money right out of their employees. FRUSTRATING! I don't usually get into politics on here, but I hope Obama seriously can fix this healthcare issue. He's been getting beaten to a freaking pulp ever since he's been in office. Considering the shape it was in when he took it, I think he's doing extremely well. I'm rooting for him again in this next election, I just have to hope that the rest of America can get someone worthy of being our President in. Maybe putting my faith in the rest of America is dangerous, after all it's only our fault Bush ran two terms. Ew.
Anyway...my appetite hasn't been incredibly outrageous or anything. I haven't really been that super hungry at all. But when I do get hungry, I probably shouldn't snack on the crap that I do! I'm getting back on track, I have to. October is a long shot away, but I really want to look amazing for Han's wedding.. I want to look really good by summer too! Hopefully this will be the first summer in a long time where I'm not too self conscious about wearing shorts or a bathing suit in front of my friends. I'm getting there, Robb says I look smaller every time I see him and I know he wouldn't lie to me about it. I just got my W2 finally in the mail, so I'm going to be busy making my tax appointment with my financial advisor, getting onto the 20lb mark and patiently waiting until I can buy my Nintendo 3DS!