Do you know what today is?!
one-two-one two!
First post of the new year and I'm feeling great! This weekend definitely will stay in my memory for a long time. I had so much fun! More fun than I've had in weeks! I know I seem to say that a lot, but this really topped the cake!
I'm not going to lie. Planning travel was a complete bitch. Car pooling is definitely the way to go. We all had the idea to pretty much caravan up there, which didn't really work out but it wasn't detrimental. I have serious issues with leaving people stranded. I'll be the first one to admit, I'm a control freak. I despise being at the mercy of someone else, especially when it comes to driving situations. I'm a super duper planner, very rarely do I fly by the seat of my pants. So when you're talking 16 people needing to get there, and get home at different times I think you all can see my frustration. Anyway, I was able to manage rides for everyone to ensure everyone got there and back safe. Thank you to Nikki, Jeff, Laura and Jake who helped out a lot!
Once we got there, it was time to get situated and ready for the part. We were the first to arrive there, which I'm glad because it gave us time to relax before the outrageous events that went on that night. Before we entirely hit the road, we stopped at WalMart to grab supplies. I volunteered to take care of breakfast, and the boys needed to get beer. Apparently, everyone did the same thing before they left. We ended up with 18 bottles of champagne (literally a bottle for each person, and then some), three 30 racks of beer (like 90 beers), 12 six packs of beer, an obnoxious amount of straight liquors...holy shit. Disgusting lol.
I know what you're thinking. You're not supposed to drink Thao! Well, everyone cheats. It's a freaking fact of life. I'd be a complete SHAM to blogging if I didn't tell you the truth. I'm just as human as everyone else is. To my defense, I RARELY ever drink so this was a night was a surprise I think to everyone to finally see me drunk. I'm not going into great detail about how much we all drank but it was complete and utter debauchery. I don't get sloppy, and no I didn't throw up lol. It was a great night, a night I'll remember for a long time. I couldn't have asked for better friends to ring in the new year with. It was all a matter of the right people, at the right time, all together celebrating life.
I got legit like 2-3 hours of sleep before I decided to get my lazy butt up. Everyone seemed to follow suit, and who doesn't love waking up to the smell of breakfast being made?! I was a complete nut job in the morning. I went into "mom" mode and made everyone help me. I'm pretty sure they all were hung over and pissed about it but I didn't care. LOL I figured if I'm up, all you bitches better be up too! We pretty much slunked the entire rest of the day, and everyone slowly got ready to go home.
It's bittersweet anytime you see your friends off. No matter how close or far away they are. This weekend really made me sentimental. If things can be that good, then why aren't they like this all the time? I've come to realize that my life is more than just being a programmed robot. The experiences and the people I choose to keep around, is what I'm really made of. I am forever grateful for my friends. I've been blessed to have earned each and everyone's friendship, love and respect.
This year couldn't have started any better!
I love you guys!
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