Monday, June 18, 2012

Play ball!

Met's Game!

Friday Han and I went gallivanting around the city together. We were able to find a lot of really cool shops to go into, and stopped a few places to check out and take breaks at. There was one place in particular I wanted to go see. Tea & Sympathy was a place a good friend of mine had told me to check out. It's an authentic British cafe, full of everything British! Even the people! It was SUPER small, and I felt really bad because I didn't realize how cramped it was going to be! Han and I ordered some cold drinks infused with tea, scones and some banana cake. It was a great time there, I will definitely be going back another time! After we stopped into the store to browse around. It was great fun!

We had tickets for the Met's game that night, and I was super excited because REO Speedwagon was playing after the game! I've been listening to REO since I was like twelve years old. I'm very open when it comes to music, and there was no lacking genre that didn't some how make it into my childhood. I've been feeling really great about my exercise and eating habits in New York thus far. Running up and down the subway all day makes plenty of room for exercise, plus walking all around helps a lot too. So glad I brought two pairs of sneakers this time! I mostly wore my chucks, but they totally did the trick! 

We met up with Hien and her boyfriend at Met's stadium and had some great seats! They were super high up in section five, but we were sitting so we could see just about everything! It was really great planning on Hien's part! The tickets were only $25 and that is a STEAL with a concert to go with it! The Met's ended up losing to the Red's, but that's okay. They played a great game, and I didn't even eat anything there! I was still full from eating earlier, and I wouldn't be able to fit anymore in me. 

Once the game ended, we rushed down the stadium to get closer to the field. REO came running out and they immediately started rocking out. I was totally in my glory. Yet another thing I can cross off my bucket list! We stayed and listened for about an hour after the game. They played my three favorite songs, "take it on the run", "can't fight this feeling" and "keep on loving you" of course! After the concert, we headed back to rest our busy little bodies. I'm still having a hard time remembering what we did on what day! It's been craziness since I got into the city, but I was enjoying all of it!

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