Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!

I was still in NYC this morning, and it's Father's Day. Hien and I slept in, and we both really needed it. My legs were super sore when I got up, so before we went out I made sure I stretched. We went to this little Italian place in her neighborhood and had a nice lunch together. It's been a really good time with her, and I'm enjoying and cherishing out sister bonding together. There was a time a few years ago when we hated each other. It was so difficult for us to get along. Her living away has strengthened our relationship and bond together, and I'm really lucky to have a sister like her. Even when she does drive me crazy!

Dad doesn't get home until about 1:00pm. He had to work night shift this weekend, and I wanted to make sure I caught him when he got home. We gave him a quick call and caught up a bit.

My dad is one of the most important people in my life. He has taught me just about everything I know, and I am very fortunate to have a man like that in my life. I have been blessed with a near perfect childhood and have never been short on love in my life. My dad is my best friend. I tell him pretty much everything. He's the one person that can explain anything to me, gives me great advice and never stops supporting me. I've always been super close with my dad but I wouldn't consider myself a "daddy's girl". He didn't spoil me the way other daughters get spoiled I suppose. My lessons he taught me of Independence,  lessons on pride and what's right and wrong, work ethic and what it's like to have meaning in your life. My dad came to this country as a young man who didn't speak a lick of English. He brings the word "American" to true justice and is every part of it. He struggled, worked and continues to work hard, he gives back to others in any way that he can, and he participates in taking pride in his home, family and country. My dad is a true hero.

I wish that everyone could experience a father like him. He's more than just part of the reason why I exist. He's ever so much present in my character, who I am as a person and how my life has turned out. My dad made giant sacrifices for me and rest of the family so we could truly live and knows what it means to live. There is no other living person that could ever replace him in my life...and no one needs to. Happy Father's Day dad! I love you!


  1. Aw, Happy Father's Day to your dad, Thao! He's a wonderful guy and you and Hien are truly lucky to have him. <3 Hope to talk to you soon and hear all about your NYC trip. I'm so sad I wasn't there with you all!

  2. Wish you were with us too! Miss you lots!!!!!!!!!!!! Xoxoxo :D
