Guys, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't understand.
Sometimes I hate hormones, actually...I hate them all the time. Why does it have to effect us so much? I mean PMS is bad enough, but then when you're pregnant they go out of whack, and then when you go through menopause. Whoever said being a woman was easy?! Slow down there killed (for you men reading, if any...) I never said it wasn't easy being a man either!
Every month around the same time, I turn into an unstoppable machine. I'm either flying around at work hustling my butt off, or you can find me day dreaming about eating really bad shit. Most of the time when I'm on my cycle, it happens to land on a work week. I've grown to appreciate this, because I can at least control it a little bit. If I only bring supplies with me that are healthy, I feel A WHOLE LOT better. This week I packed fruits and veggies. When I got cravings for the munchies, I went to my stash of healthy foods. Don't get me wrong, it was AWFUL. Not that bad I suppose, but when you really want something bad like junk food hell bad--the rabbit food is the pits!
So why does my body and brain hate me so? What have I done to them?! Besides abusing the shit out of it by eating horrible food, alcohol, and not exercising enough? LOL. Ahh we got to laugh at ourselves at some point right? Either way, I'm coping with this time of the month a lot better than I used to. Before, I'd totally eat you out of house and home! Putting limits on yourself is very difficult, but do the best you can! Luckily, I have a great support team and a goal to keep working towards.
Trust me. Even though you bought a round trip ticket to munchie mania,
it's not likely you'll come back out of it.
Keep pushing yourself to make the healthier choices in your life. My thought process was completely messed up before. It was all about justifying what I ate. "Oh, I can eat this. I'll just work out an extra half hour at the gym". How about no? No. Don't do it to yourself. If you allow yourself to justify one unhealthy decision, you'll continue to make more of them. I've been there, and it blows. And I'm trying my damnedest to stop!
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