Judgement Day!
As a reward last week, Dr. Cusimano treated me to a complimentary facial peel. I have to admit, as soon as she said it I got instantly scared. My mom had a really bad chemical peel like ten years ago, and all I remember is her face looking burnt. So bad, that she couldn't leave the house. It was horrific, and made me scared to do anything to my face. I talked to Cody to set up the appointment, and she assured me there was nothing to worry about. I was blessed with really great skin. Everyone always tells me how nice my skin is, and up until now I had no idea what they were talking about. Asian skin is usually super fare. I never really broke out in zits as a teenager and the biggest "problem" I have with my skin are sun spots. The sun spots I'm sure, of a result of being constantly outside when I was a kid. Swimming and playing. Over the years, I've started getting spots all over. They're annoying.
Laura is a newer girl working in the office. Sara is out to have her baby, so she won't be there for a while. I haven't really had time to get to know Laura, because she doesn't take me back for my appointments. She took me back today, to do my facial peel for me. I still was nervous about doing the whole thing, and asked her if she ever had one done. She tans, so she's not eligible to have it done. Laura was super nice during the whole thing and talked to me while she applied the Glytone. She had me put on a hairband and gave me little tanning goggles. The Glytone mixture is brushed on gently, and then it sits for a few minutes on the face. During this time, you're supposed to feel like a tingling sensation. My skin, is kind of weird. I would consider it oily, but in the morning after my shower--it is dry like the freaking Sahara. I always make sure I put on moisturizer everyday. I've been using the brand NOEVIR since I was like ten years old. It's pricey, but hey! Look at my skin and tell me it doesn't WORK!
My face began to sting a bit, especially around my cheeks. My cheeks are like the driest part of my face, after I get out of the shower. It didn't surprise me at all that they stung. Laura monitored my face, and started applying a neutralizer. The neutralizer of course, stabilizes the acid peel and feels really nice! It's almost like the sensation of putting on aloe after a bad sunburn. It was kind of gross at the same time though, because I could hear like crackling and like sizzling. I KNOW SUPER GROSS, but I am a dedicated author and pride myself on delivering the details that you won't find anywhere else! She put the neutralizer on multiple times and then we were all done! The first few applications of the neutralizer did sting a bit more, after it was completely fine. She had me wash my face with a cleanser and apply SPF lotion. My post peel instructions were of course to stay out of the sun, and not to like harshly scrub my face when I wash it.
My cheeks were a bit pink, but nothing serious. Over all, I totally will do it again. My skin already feels softer and smoother. The pinkness on my face, would look similar to spending my lunch break outside in the sunshine. Like I said, the stinging completely stopped after the neutralizer was applied. Super excited! She also said that it would help with my pigmentation aka my sun spots! I've been using that damn Clinique Dark Spot Corrector, and it hasn't helped at all. I'm seriously considering laser treatment.
I went back to the waiting room to chill out before Cody brought me back to weigh in. I'm happy to report, that I lost the weight I gained back last week! I'm back down to 182lbs and I'm feeling really great about everything. We did the Lipotonix shot today as usual, and I picked up some new things on my way out. Dr. Cusimano has been getting new products in the office, and they look really awesome. I noticed a couple weeks ago, she had these bottles that had mix already in them. Like a water bottle with stuff at the bottom, instead of dumping a packet into the blender bottle. Protein shakes on the go! Cody said she usually drinks the mango flavored ones, and she loves them. The real show stopper was the lemon raspberry shakes. I heard a fellow weight loss diva raving about them to Laura at the desk. I got really excited and decided to try them out. They cost the same as the shake packets, $14 per package. You get six bottles and they're completely perfect for what I need. I got the lemon raspberry shakes, and the cafe latte flavored ones. I'll report back as soon as I try them out! SUPER EXCITED!
Today was a really great day! I've been so fortunate and thankful for Dr. Cusimano and her staff. I feel like I'm at home there, and I'm comfortable with everyone. This program has literally changed almost everything about my life, and I can't wait to continue on! Tomorrow will be a super duper shmooper day! Hien and Whitney are coming home for the weekend! Hien and are taking my parents out to dinner at a local place, Remlik's. Nikki and the girls ate there a few weeks ago and said it was delish. I really wanted to go to Moxie's, but the reservation times didn't work out for us. No worries, Hien and I actually really wanted oysters! We're totally in luck because Remlik's happens to be an oyster bar! WOOOOO-HOOOO! I can't wait to spend some quality time with my family this weekend! :)
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