Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Addicted to addictions...


Why do I do this to myself?! A few months ago, I started playing the game Draw Something. I can't seem to stop myself from drawing on my giant phone! This game is so crazy addicting, it's not even funny. When I have time to draw things out properly, I take a lot of time out to draw all the details. If I'm not that into it, I just doodle whatever. I've been playing with quite a few people, bought myself some fancy new color palettes and have gone to town. It's super fun to see other people's drawings. It almost makes you think a little bit more about that person. I started to notice some drawings were WAY better than others, which makes me wonder if they're playing on tablets. They almost have to be with the details they're all adding in! Anyway, I thought I'd share a personal masterpiece of mine!

One of my favorite and best drawings by far! All done with these magic fingers!
This game is seriously addicting, beware! Onto my next addiction: Instagram. I AM OBSESSED WITH INSTAGRAM. The word "shutter bug" should have a picture of me next to it in the dictionary. Asians are all stereotyped as bad driving camera clicking touristy people. I am by no means a bad driver, but I embrace the stereo type of the nerdy Asian kid with all the gadgets and camera around her neck. When I chose my phone (Samsung Nexus), I made sure it had some major storage capacity. Photography has been a hobby of mine for a long time. I was really serious into in throughout high school and gave it up in college. Ansel Adams didn't make millions at the start of his career, and I'm no high fashion photographer. Photography runs literally through my veins. My dad has always been into photography, and my cousin is actually a high fashion photographer in NYC. I love playing with filters and adjusting different things on images I take. I've been looking into purchasing a DSLR camera, either a Nikon or a Cannon. Either way, I'm getting my fix with Instagram. I love flipping through and looking through popular photos and how others see the world! If you're a fellow Instagrammer, look me up if you can! Username: ItsTizzleBaby!

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