Monday, April 16, 2012

I whip my hair back n forth!

I need  a change!

Last night after work, I got together with a good friend of mine. Robb is one of my dearest friends. He does a comedy show on the second Tuesday of each month. Considering his shows magically land on weeks that I work, it was about time that I showed up for one. I wasn't too tired when I got there, but it soon caught up after me.

It was a so nice to see him and catch up for a bit. We didn't get as much time as I wanted to spend with him, but I made sure to ask him if he could trim my hair for me. Robb is going to school for cosmetology, and I'd trust him with anything in the beauty department. Getting a hold of him is seriously murder. I have some of the best ninja stalking skills, and I haven't been able to track this bitch down for months! Robb has been hanging out with his other group of friends, so I've been robbed of him for a while. I understand though. He has a group of really close gay friends, and they have more in common. It gets kind of uncomfortable, even for me. I can't really relate to them when they're hunting for men lol. And he always feels bad leaving me at a bar to pursue some extra curricular activities lmfao! I don't care! Get it while the gettins good right?! Robb feels the same way about hanging out with my friends, because they all straight. Same thing I guess, different interests. 

Anyway, I was talking to him about maybe doing something different. I am SO NOT dying my hair again. It's taken at least five years to get all the bleached ends out of my hair, and I'm not eager to go back to that route again. He suggested getting colored hair extension clips! Looks like fun, and I can switch them out really easily! I've always been teetering between putting a dark plum or a dark blue sheen to my hair. This way, I get the best of everything. I don't have to dye my hair, I can just take these babies out whenever I want!

I can trim these, and fit them in on my head wherever! Don't worry, I'm not getting this pink one! Actually, maybe I will. Who cares, if you're only wearing them for a few hours right?! Anyway, I found this really cool site with hair stuff on it. Check it out!

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