Haven't been to up for socializing lately.
Today was a complete different story than Saturday. I wasn't sick AT ALL. I took my medications as usual and wasn't nauseous, dry heaving or throwing up. For this instance, I'm pretty sure it wasn't my medication. Being exposed to sick people day in and day out probably doesn't help. Further more, people feel the need to COUGH in my face. It's great. I understand that my patients are sick, but they always seem to let out a cough in my face when I'm getting them ready for their test. Grosses me right out.
I've still been incredibly tired, and really am not up to socializing in any situation. Going out on my work weeks has been narrowed down to about a minimum. It's just too much some weeks. By the time Saturday rolls around, I will have worked 44 hours. That's more hours worked in four days, than most people work in a business week. I have three more days to work on top of that! Sometimes I do get my second wind, and mush. Don't ask me how, because honestly I have no idea.
It always seems when you're not feeling good or you're tired, people just talk to you non stop. It's probably a combination of not feeling well and being that much more irritating. I LOVE TO SOCIALIZE. I am, a social butterfly...when I'm up to it. People just amaze me sometimes. I'm not the type of person that needs people to make me feel comfortable. I'm fully capable of dealing with situations when I'm not. Just build a bridge and get over it. Even motor mouths need to take breaths once in a while. Shit. I've come to the conclusion there are just people who like the sound of their own voice. If I'm not engaging in any form of socializing with you, chances are I DON'T WANT TO.
I had a long conversation with Hien today about communication in general. Circumstances vary from person to person. For example, I'd expect any member of my family or friends to actually LISTEN to me when I'm upset. Even if I'm talking about a topic they don't relate to or even care about---they should LISTEN because they care about ME. This is how I treat everyone that I love, and am close with. My ears are always open and return the favor. Not everything may seem like a big deal to one person, but to THAT person it could feel like a life or death situation. Don't ever disregard someone else's feelings, ESPECIALLY when they are TRUSTING AND CONFIDING IN YOU FOR SUPPORT. Feel me?
A long time ago, someone very close to my heart opened my eyes. Clare taught me that everyone's pain is the same. No matter if your dog died, your parents died, you got dumped, lost a job, lost your house. Your pain isn't any more hurtful, or significant than the next person's. The pain you feel, is the same. When you think about it, it really makes sense. I've always calculated my pain, in kind of like degrees. Sting, ouch, painful, ok fucking HURT, and down right devastating. When I look back, I realize it all felt the same. ALL OF IT. Pain is pain, no matter how you look at it. Maybe others can argue my opinion, but this is how I view it.
So basically, my ears and energy are kept for the people I love. I don't have time to waste energy on listening to people I really don't give a flying fuck about. Especially ones that can't get a grip and understand, I don't want anything to do with them. Let's face it. It's a hard pill to swallow when someone doesn't like you. My motto for a long time has been: what other people think about me, is none of my business. I don't care, and I don't want to know. Obviously if you don't like me, I'm not your friend or your family so keep it to yourself. Other people's opinions about you, whether they be hurtful or really sweet--I just really don't want to know. It can go either way. Someone can not like you, give you reasons why and hurt your feelings when they aren't mutual. Someone also can give you unlimited compliments and praise, swelling your ego into the size of the universe. Nope, don't have time to deal with that crap so I choose not to. If I don't respect you as a person, I really don't value your opinion. WOW. I'M A BITCH. It's true though. You hold no value to my life.
Either way, I'm too old to be dealing with nonsense. If I don't like you, build a bridge and get over it like every other normal person does. Obsessing over WHY someone doesn't care to be your friend, like you or whatever is only making it worse. Too bad people don't learn these lessons at appropriate times. It takes all kinds of people to make a world, and people in MY WORLD exist as friends or loved ones for a reason. :)