Leads to missed crucial information!
Anyone that knows me, knows I LOVE Target. Not joking. I worked there for five years prior to beginning my career. Why you ask I chose to work there? Well first of all I was there literally ALL the time. I just can't help it. Everything is clean, shiny, deliciously tempting to spend oodles of money on things you not only want--but NEED. Hello America, my name is Thao and I am addicted to Target.
I had to make a few returns after work tonight, and of course I browsed around for a bit. My Miralax neat packs ran out, so I had to pick up some more. Along with an eyelash curler---yes I am the only adult woman in America who doesn't own one, and a few more things. While I was in the "digestive" isle, I decided to pick up some Fiber Choice tablets. Figured it couldn't hurt seeing as I need all the help I can get with taking iron. Upon browsing in the aisle, I found some Dulcolax. There were two different boxes, gentle and fast acting; guess which one I bought? Into the basket it went and I zipped along to the office supply isle. Did y'all know I LOVE office supplies? Something about them makes me soooo happy--must have been all those summers spent at Grandma's office! I got home and started putting my things away, packing up my life bag for work. I pulled out the Dulcolax box and went to read how to use it. Granted the Miralax does work, but I didn't want to use it for a prolonged period of time. More variety is better right?
WELL, I guess when I thought variety--I didn't really mean I wanted more of that variety! So I'm looking at this box, and I flip it to the backside for the directions. In small highlighted letters it says: For rectal use only. HUH?! I was so excited to get pen refills (I AM NOT PATHETIC OKAY!) I seemed to have put a SUPPOSITORY in my effing basket. I didn't even know what a suppository was until I Googled it! I mean I had a faint idea but oh my lord of the rings I have got to FOCUS on reading slower!
So now here is my dilemma. Do I RETURN them? Take the chance of embarrassment or actually keep them and use them eventually. I have 90 days to ponder this idea, before it is too late. UGH. I've come to the short conclusion to keep them just in case. Maybe they will come in handy when I'm in a bind...hah.
But no, seriously. I need to slow down when I read...
Take 'em back!! Be brave! And I don't own an eyelash curler, darlin'! Love that you're still blogging...keep it up!!!