Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mad dash

This is becoming a weekly thing...

Every week before the day of my weigh in, I seem to be in all sorts of a frenzy. I'm finding that I was to eat as little as possible the day before, which I don't think is helping me out. Tomorrow I weigh in. Although I'd be super excited to finally hit my 10lb loss mark, I don't think it's going to happen tomorrow. Weighing yourself is an evil evil thing to do. 

I'm starting to get worried about the whole lax thing. Using something for a prolonged period of time, just leads to dependence. I bought some Fiber Choice chewable tabs, after some research online it looks pretty safe. Each tab (which they're kind of big) has 2g of fiber in it. Max dose for each day is 6. They don't taste bad, I just hope they help.

Molly has a friend who sees Dr. Cusimano also. I asked her the other day how she was doing (she's on strictly shakes) and she told me she had lost 15lbs in 3 weeks! I was stunned, I've been on this program for almost 6 weeks and I haven't hit 10. Molly did say that her friend was barely eating anything, practically starving herself. Apparently this girl needed to lose weight for some wedding this month. Crazy...I'd like to see if she'll actually keep that weight off. Does make me jealous though.

For now I'll just have to settle on the old
"slow and steady wins the race".

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