Friday, November 18, 2011

Pondered as I wandered

You guessed it...

I was at Target today! I went on a mini excursion to entertain myself today while printing up a batch of pictures. Target is opening at 12am Black Friday! Can you believe it?! I can't! I've never been much of a Black Friday shopper, I've worked more than my fair share and it is a zoo. Last year I went to Macy's with my mom, Hien and Whitney. It was bananas. Not quite as bad as I thought it would be, but never the less lots of fun. What bites about my shift, is that my calendar weeks happen to land on four out of the six recognized holidays. UGH. Meaning this will be my fifth Thanksgiving, and my fourth Christmas working. It's really not so bad I guess, I usually lounge around like a slug anyway!

So my main goal today was to buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to complete my collection. While I zipped around the store while my pictures printed, I wandered aimlessly into the appliances isle. I LOVE ICED TEA. Always have, but was it really worth buying an iced tea maker? Mmm, probably not. Instead I found instant cold brew tea bags, which are perfect. I do like my tea lemon flavored, so I bought some Celestial Lemon Zinger to go with it. Yum, drinking it right now actually. No added sugars either! Behaving for a change!

Tomorrow I'm getting up to get some appointments done. First stop, blood work. Now last time I got my blood drawn they tried to KILL me if you all remember correctly. If not--for your viewing pleasure:
Notice that my arm isn't in the supine position. That's right people, they drew from THE SIDE of my arm. As a seasoned needle stick certified tech, I knew as soon as he put the needle in my arm---it went through my vein. Thanks again! I have deep veins, but most are usually able to draw. Hopefully tomorrow morning will go smoothly.

I weigh in at the office tomorrow. Hoping to have lost as much weight as I can. Shooting for 5lbs, but you never know. As long as I'm below the 200 mark I'll be good. So tired of gaining the weight, back and forth back and forth. SUCKS! 

After tomorrow I am braving it out and going to the movie theater to see Breaking Dawn. Yes, that's correct. I will be standing among herds of teenie boppers coming out strong. Hopefully NOT! I'm going with friends from work to the 1:50pm showing. So hopefully all I'll have to worry about is college students. Oh well, bought my tickets through Fandango this week so I'm set to go! 

Keep me in your prayers...
between the blood draw, weigh in and fighting crazed Twi-tards (bah haha)
I may not come back alive!

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