Monday, November 7, 2011

Beware, this is a rant.

 I don't get people.

Some days I seriously question the motives for other people around me. I should really just not even attempt to figure some people out. Nothing will come good of it I'm sure. I wouldn't say that I'm in a bitchy mood, wouldn't even say anything upset me today. Just guess I'm venting about things around me I can't control.

I've tried and tried to understand why people feel the need to be demeaning. The only conclusion that I can draw, is that they get some sick twisted pleasure out of squishing people like they're bugs. There is no excuse for it, AT ALL. Okay, okay granted I fly off the handle quite often but I never set out to demean anyone. When was it ever acceptable to behave like that? Your mother must have not hugged you enough...

Better yet, I love the people who can't seem to mind their own effing business. PERIOD. I'm guilty of gossiping, but I can tell you for sure--I wouldn't say anything behind your back that I wouldn't to your face. BAM! Take that bitches! Or the gutless swine that have no back bone, you know the people who dish shit out but can't take it? The ones who constantly seem to start shit but evade it the minute you call them out? The ones that time and time again, will be your back up until the second you really need them? Yeah those jerks. HEY, I WARNED YOU THIS WAS A RANT!

I'm an observant person. I always wait to act before I get my cards stacked correctly. People have accused me of being a floor mat. Always giving others the benefit of the doubt, always thinking "no they wouldn't screw me over, that's not who they are". If I was staring at my past self right now, I'd smack her across the face. Thus, I'm NOT that girl anymore.

I have helped FAR TOO MANY people out and have not looked for anything in return. Generally speaking, I really like being there for people; helping them in any way that I can. It makes me feel good. What doesn't make me feel so great, is people taking advantage of me. A good friend of mine once told me, "people can only take advantage of you, if you let them". So, I stopped letting them. What even makes it better, is the people who I've helped out decide they want to treat me like shit. Gee, thanks! 

I am who I am period. I do things because I want to. Not because I'm trying to impress people, or look good, kiss ass because we all know I DO NOT KISS ANYONE'S ASS. Just not my style. The going trend for me lately is that I really could care less what other people think about me. Because to be honest, whatever someone thinks or says about me is not my business. 

feeling much better, I probably lost 5lbs alone
in dropping some attitude.

1 comment:

  1. Your last sentence made me giggle! And I'm dealing with that damned cold, too. Boooooooo!!
