Monday, August 27, 2012

Can it happen?

Maybe, but probably not likely.

A few weeks ago, I had set my goal to be in the 160's by the end of the month. although I knew I could totally do it, I'm starting to think differently now. It's damn near the end of the month and I'm still maintaining at the mid 170's. It's totally better than I was before, but I can't help but feel a little down on myself. 

I'm trying to stay really hard and focused on losing the weight. I will for sure be smaller in October, and that I can totally promise you. I'm at the weight I was, my senior year of high school. I'd like to be smaller than this hello! It's recently occurred to me, that I am EXTREMELY lucky I carry my weight well. Not just masking how much I truly weigh, but I'm proportional.

Marissa cracked me up when we were hiking. My legs are pretty muscular, and at one point she said they were budging out! Nothing says sexy like a pair of manly legs! Truth is, my legs have shrunk! They've become skinnier, and where there is skinny--unfortunately there's lumpy. My upper inner thighs are nasty nast. I know that it's a process where I have to get them toned, and exercising more than I have been will take care of it. I'm just going to have to work at it. For losing as much weight as I have, I shouldn't be so hard on myself about the not so toned areas of my body. I could totally have loose saggy skin, but I'm taking care of this at an age where my skin is still pretty elastic. 

So can the 160's happen? Absolutely, but realistically not by the end of this month. I will sure as shit be in the 160's sometime during September. Mid September will be better than late at least. Upon getting a lot of outdoor exercise time in these past few weeks, I also haven't made the healthiest choices. Drinking and eating things I shouldn't be eating. BUT I will say this, there were plenty of times I stopped myself from over indulging. Marissa was telling me just yesterday she found an old planner and realized she was working out six times a week! No wonder she was itty bitty! When you're conditioned in that kind of a life style, you kind of take for granted of what you have. It isn't until you stop living that way, when your regrets start rolling in. 

I'm super happy to report back, that my good friend Lisa is doing REALLY well on the program! I'm super happy for her. I can't tell you what a gift it is, to feel like you actually have control over your life. That your hard work, pain and struggle in this can be SEEN by the naked eye! I'm so glad that I can pass this lifestyle on and help people. This has changed me for the better, and I can't thank Aviva and Dr. Cusimano enough. The best gift you can be given is life. 

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