Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Who are YOU?

 In a nutshell:
25 years young, overweight/obese, and ready to lose it

"The heavier set girl" I hate when people say that, let alone use it describe me! I've always been somewhat over weight, but no where near where I am now. As a member in the healthcare work force, the pressure to set a healthy example is always on my mind. Here we are telling people all the rights and wrongs, and how often do we follow them ourselves? Such hypocrites! 

I jump started my journey the medically supervised wayAviva Medical Weight Loss & Longevity Center is where I found Dr. J. Cusimano, who specializes in bariatrics. After several consultation appointments, I decided to go ahead and enroll. The program consists of meal replacements, vitamin supplements, weekly visits to monitor your health condition and progress. This week is the beginning of a new life for me.

Who I am will always be an evolving process, but for now let's just say the Wicked Witch of the West better get out the way! This girl is about to out melt her!


  1. Love the site, love you. Congratulations on beginning your journey!

  2. Thanks Julie! I'm super excited, love you too!
