Friday, September 30, 2011

Bars of GOLD!

Today was a GREAT day!

I started my protein bars today, and I LOVE them! Sarah from the office suggested two flavors, cinnamon and peanut butter and jelly. Both of the bars are packed with protein. The cinnamon ones have 15g protein, and the peanut butter and jelly have 13g. I'm a big fan of protein bars anyways, I really like Luna bars. 
Cinnamon protein bars: 160 cal, total fat 5g, carbs 18g, sugar 5g, protein 15g
PBJ protein bars: 170 cal, total fat 6g, carbs 16g, sugar 8g, protein 13g

This is the cinnamon bar. I have one in the morning with a 100 calorie shake. It's really good, and I don't feel so bad anymore about missing protein. I don't think I can switch entirely to the bars, because they have sugars and stuff in them I'm sure.


Remember how I said my shakes were hard to get down? Well one of the guys suggested some options to switch up my shakes. He said he added instant coffee to his whey protein. I had some Starbucks VIA instant packs in my locker, and added it. Shake shake shake that less than desirable taste into oblivion baby! Looks like things are looking up for this girl after all! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week one complete!

Week 1


Week one is done, and I'm still alive!
I went to my weekly appointment and I am proud to say,

After some further review, I decided to ask to change my regiment. The shakes, 3x/day was definitely not working for me. I know getting this protein down is detrimental to the diet, so I requested to do bars instead. As a compromise Dr. Cusimano put me on 2 bars and 1 shake instead. I'm starting the shake/bar thing tomorrow, I'll let y'all know how it goes.

This patient today  kept making passes at me. Generally I'd say thanks and ignore, but he was a 60 year old man with an eye patch, and a knack for pissing me off. He actually said:

"I don't know if anyone has told you this before, but you have a nice ROUND shape. Oh and you have beautiful skin..."

What the french toast!? Really? REALLY? Did you seriously just say that to me?! Maybe I was overly sensitive about the round comment, actually no. I REALLY don't enjoy patients hitting on me, especially old pirates. Anyway I gritted my teeth, quickly finished his exam and made a joke of it the rest of the night.

I realize the day may never come, when people don't say stupid things to me--
but a girl can dream can't she?

Oh, and by the way---I do have nice skin! lmfao

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Couldn't shake this funk

Day  6

I hit a bump in the road.

The shakes are all right, but I've had some problems getting all of them down. I'm only getting 1 shake down, and that is for real---not okay. It's mostly mental. The consistency freaks me out a bit (reminds me of RediCat, a barium solution I give my patients), and I need it super cold. Many have suggested splitting up the shakes into like shots or smaller portions. I made an attempt yesterday, and it worked but I'm not happy. 

Sarah from the office called to confirm my appointment tomorrow. While I had her on the line, I told her how I was feeling and I'm going to switch it up. Protein bars---I think is the way to go. Even if they taste like garbage, I can make sure to actually finish them.

The thing about the shakes, they have this lingering essence about them that seems never ending.

I'm SUPER nervous and excited about my appointment tomorrow. Seems like the only time I've ever been amped to get on a scale! Heading there before work tomorrow, so hopefully it will set the bar for my mood! I hope I melted a little! :D

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Let's get ready for...hunger? Nah!

Day 3-5

And so our story begins, where Thao finds herself in quite the social dilemma:

So this weekend was definitely a giant test of will power. I'd been doing well on my first few days, but I had to integrate my super fun lifestyle to my new walk of life. You guys totally thought I cheated didn't you? Because if you didn't, I did.

Friday night was girls night. Marissa was coming home from Philly for the weekend. We decided to have movie and Chinese night at Nikki's. I recently bought Bridesmaids so it was perfect. I ended up getting a GIANT Greek salad from a diner I live near, so I wouldn't be tempted. Low and behold--I wasn't! ::sigh of relief::

Talk about a packed agenda! I previously made a commitment to attend a birthday/retirement party for my college advisor. I was a little nervous because there was going to be a lot of food and drinks and bad bad things I shouldn't eat lol. I had half a shake before I left and was feeling pretty great. I only stayed for an hour, but I did eat my allotted amount of protein and a big salad. Then it was off to FIGHT NIGHT! 
UFC 135, Bones vs Rampage
Highlight of my weekend! I drove up to Ithaca after the party to meet with friend's and watch the fight. There wasn't any food there, but there was booze and plenty of it. I did have  a few sips of vodka and pink lemonade. It was enough to satisfy my urge to party, and I'm glad I stopped myself. JON JONES WON! AND SO DID I!

Today was football date at Tully's, ohhh Tully's. I ordered a giant salad with grilled chicken. Ranch dressing on the side (which I only used about 1/4 of) and ate most of it. Their food legit, comes in such large portions it kind of makes me sick! I mean NO ONE can really eat that much, can they?! Scratch that, I know people can eat that much--because I watched them all around me today.


This has been such a challenge for me, it really means a lot to have the support of my friends. I spend a lot of time with them, and it makes me feel so good that they're motivating me and keeping me on track. I've slowly began the process of letting it leak out I'm on this diet, could you imagine if I didn't!? They'd all think I was a CRACK ADDICT and that's how I lost the weight! LOL SOOOOO...thank you to all my friends, I love you guys.

WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! What about family support? Of course my family supports me, because if they didn't--my sister Hien would BEAT them into submission! Hee hee. 

I am such a lucky girl to have friends and family
near and far support me,
motivate me, and inspire me to live my life.

OH! And no hunger yet, honest!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Vanilla, you are not my friend...

Day 2


Yesterday was okay. Transitioning so quickly from food to protein shakes...I think I'm still in shock. It took me FOREVER to finish just 1 shake yesterday. I'm really supposed to have 3, but I could barely finish 1! I didn't have any salad, I drank like 2 liters of water and had my allotted amount of protein--4oz.

Today I shook up a vanilla concoction, that probably should never be shook again. VANILLA SHAKE, MY ASS! This thing tasted sickening sweet and there was no vanilla about it. I made the colossal mistake of sniffing it after I made it. Pew pew! I mean seriously?! Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad. Maybe I just shook so much I had a self induced seizure and it messed with my taste buds?

Have any of you out there tried whey protein shakes? Am I being a brat, or are they supposed to taste like this?! I've heard of people mixing like a 1/4 cup of fruit with their shakes, I might just have to try it. Good thing I opted to get more chocolate shake mix than vanilla. Musta been my melty senses...


Anyway, it's my 7 off this week. I work a shift that is bananas. Most of you would probably kill for it. I work 7on/7off, meaning I work 10am-9pm Wed-Tues and have the following Wed-Tues off. I've been really good about not cheating and stuff, because I'm at home this week. I'm a little worried what will happen when I go back for my week on. Despite the fact everyone will probably be up in my business asking me what's in my bottle, or what I'm mixing up. I guess I could always just make them sniff the bottle, they'd probably leave me alone after that.

I spent some time with my mom today, ugh that was splendid. Trying to explain your diet and regiment to a stubborn headstrong Asian woman is impossible. My parents really don't understand this method to madness. All they really understand is that their baby girl is fat and she needs to get on the treadmill. 

In some time, I think they'll see that this is working just fine for me.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Shake it up!

Day 1

Got up SUPER late this morning, thanks to Suzanne Collins and her damn Hunger Games. Ha, hunger games, don't I know it! It's time to shake it up!

For those of you who know me, I pull NO punches. I like to know the ins and outs of everything. I hate researching something and finding YouTube videos and blogs full of cheap useless talk. So you my friend, are getting the real deal. If you're looking for an honest, descriptive blog the melting girl is here for YOU baby!

Say hello to my little friend:

So this my Blender Bottle. It's pretty much a plastic bottle with a whisk ball inside of it. The shakes are actually pretty thick, so the ball works great. 

There are different flavored shakes, but for today I started with chocolate.

The powder looks like any other drink mix. In this case, similar to hot cocoa. The recipe is, 16oz of cold water into the bottle, add mix and shake til you can't shake no more! You could probably put it into a blender with ice, to make it more shake like. Adding extracts and some fruit to it also is an option.

Not bad! It tastes like a Fudgesicle, especially when it's ice cold. These shakes are made with whey protein, I've never had a protein shake before but I imagine it's the same consistency. I put ice cubes in it, I like my drinks pretty cold. Other than that, I think it's definitely tolerable. I don't think I could drink it all in one sitting though, more like it'll last me a few hours. Surprisingly enough, it's keeping me full.

Did I sign up for my DEATH?!

this is what i'm supposed to survive on!?

Yesterday I was equipped with the tools I need for this adventure. After some further inspection today, I have to admit I'm buggin. I mean really, this is ALL I need? Oye vey.
blender bottle, shake packs and vitamins

So here's the breakdown:
  (maybe even mental ha!)
              -3 shakes/day, one to replace each meal. 250cal/shake
              -4oz of protein
              -salad is unlimited, 2tbsp dressing allowed  <30g fat 
              -water is unlimited of course
              -vitamin supplements <--I HAVE to take certain vitamins and shots                   

Dr. Cusimamo told me that I can change my program at any time, nothing is set in stone. When I was in the office, I figured I'd take the route that allowed me to lose the most. My target weight loss is 2lbs per week. That is a totally healthy amount to be losing, judging by what I have to work with I'd probably lose more. The office offers a lot of other options. Meal replacements, shakes, protein bars, and plans where you can actually incorporate regular meals to. I've never been one to turn down a real challenge, go big or go home right?!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Who are YOU?

 In a nutshell:
25 years young, overweight/obese, and ready to lose it

"The heavier set girl" I hate when people say that, let alone use it describe me! I've always been somewhat over weight, but no where near where I am now. As a member in the healthcare work force, the pressure to set a healthy example is always on my mind. Here we are telling people all the rights and wrongs, and how often do we follow them ourselves? Such hypocrites! 

I jump started my journey the medically supervised wayAviva Medical Weight Loss & Longevity Center is where I found Dr. J. Cusimano, who specializes in bariatrics. After several consultation appointments, I decided to go ahead and enroll. The program consists of meal replacements, vitamin supplements, weekly visits to monitor your health condition and progress. This week is the beginning of a new life for me.

Who I am will always be an evolving process, but for now let's just say the Wicked Witch of the West better get out the way! This girl is about to out melt her!