I hope that everyone had a great holiday, had time to relax and enjoy the first few weeks of Spring!
This week off, I took a quick trip to Philadelphia with my cousin Whitney. She's looking into grad schools to enter a PhD program, and considering I was off we made a trip! Our main goal was to hit up Temple, Drexel, and UPenn. Whitney has never been to Philly before, so I took this opportunity to spend some time and see some sites!
Growing up, we toured the country pretty often. I was extremely lucky to have grandparents that loved adventure, as much as I did! Philadelphia is referred a lot of times as a "walking city". Once you figure out the demographics of the area, you'll understand why. Thank God I had a pair of sneakers in my trunk, I needed those bitches!
I didn't really feel guilty during the trip. We hit up a few places for happy hour, but honestly I felt like we walked way more than in NYC. We definitely got our exercise in! If anyone hasn't been to visit Philly, I highly recommend getting a tour pass. It'll take you to all the sites, and you'll figure out how to navigate the city better!
One of my favorite parts of Philly is the zoo! It's one of the best ones, and was the fest zoo established in America. It was a little bit brisk out, but that didn't keep us from hitting up ALL the sites in Philly! That me. In three days, we killed it.
Ok so back to the title of this post...GAH. Philly is known as "the city of brotherly love" however...people in Philly can be BEARS! I mean, it's like that anywhere you go--but FUCK! Their train system is so strange; they charge your fare by what stop you're getting off at. Their subway still uses tokens, which I totally love, but is a bit confusing. I guess NYC has just spoiled me, I can get a MetroCard and swipe that shit and they don't give a shit where you go or how long you stay on the train for.
When we got down into the subway station, we were trying to figure out what tokens to get. Lucky for us, the man in the booth was so nice to us, it was super refreshing. It totally helped that Whintey is stunningly beautiful, and we both smile a lot. Interesting enough that's how he knew we were from out of town--because we smiled so much. But I guess fucking with the token machine gave us away too? LOL.
I really do love Philly, I always have. We made trips there a lot when I was growing up and it's really not that far from where I live. It was a good way to lay down some serious ground visiting, and experience what Philly had to offer.
And no, I didn't get a Philly cheesesteak. They've always freaked me out, and I'm just not into eating them. So for all of you who are wondering who's has the best, Pat's or Geno's, I couldn't tell ya!
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