Monday, November 5, 2012


Rollin' baby, keep it rollin'

Can I tell you all how much I HATE WHEY PROTEIN. I just fucking do. After a while, you think or trick yourself into thinking it's not so bad. Well I'm sorry to tell you all that it IS in fact, that bad. It doesn't matter what you do to m ask the taste, it will always have this lingering after taste to it. Am I right or what?

Either way, you have to keep the ball rolling. Once you commit to something, you really need to stick with it. Yo! How will you have anty future without u owe it to yourself. If you're not choosing to change your life for yourself, do it for the tomorrow you could have. Think about all the things in your life, that you desperately wish you could have done, OR could be doing. There's so much life out there, and it's a damn shame to miss it over something you have control over. Making changes in your life to become a better you, will always be a life long process. You have to commit to it, or not I guess. Either way, it's up to YOU. 

Shout out to Lisa! We went out a few weeks ago, and she told me she headed on over to my blog to check it out. She was looking for some inspiration and encouraging words, and thought something was wrong. How could my last post have been in August?! Something MUST be wrong with the blogger site right?! Nope. Something was wrong with ME!

I've enjoyed blogging very much. It's become increasingly difficult for me to keep up with it, when my procrastination level is through the roof. Either way, please don't think just because I haven't posted means that I've stopped my regiment. That's not the case at all. I've been working really hard on my own and with my health coach through work. Christina is really awesome. She sends me sites and walks me through some of the tougher health related questions I have for her. 

I'm not really too anxious to make another appointment at the office to tell you the truth. Between life and vacation, it kind of broke me. It's hard to not spend the money and just go, but I've been doing this for a while and am confident that I can do without a few more appointments. Just until I get back on my feet. I'm happy to report that I lost seven pounds during vacation, and last week I hit my 45lbs mark! Can you believe it? I'm still having a hard time!

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